Sicura sleep che queste domande le fai always when no l saiora leaves. Così impara eats chiedere and eats rispondere le ore assicome a dire i numeri./ I'm sure you ask these questions whenever you don't know the time. So learn how to ask and answer the time as well as how to say the numbers.
It leaves the sleep different from the orologi, allora is important riconoscerli attraverso l'immagini ed anche comes if denominated in Italian. Sotto farai un giochetto and così potrai scoprire dei tipi di orologi. / You know that there are different models of watches, so it is important that you recognize them through images and also how they are called in Italian. Below you will play a little game and so you will be able to discover some watch models.
Giochetto: abbina there, imagine with its corresponding number. / Little game: match the image with its corresponding number.
- Risposte alla fine del testo. / Answers at the end of the text.
1. Orology by pendol 2. Orology of the pole 3. digital orology 4. orology the sabbia 5. Sveglia 6. orology of the wall
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
Come chiedere l’ora?/ How to ask the time?
Vedi i minidialoghi: / See the minidialogues:
A: Scusi, che pray sleep?
B: sleep read I died less a room. (9h 45 min.)
A: Scusi, che pray sleep?
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
B: È mezzogiono. (noon)
THE: Che or sleep?
B: sleep read tre and fan. (3h 20 min.)
See table: / See table:
thereone and quindicy. It is a quarter past one in the morning (afternoon). thereunite lessquindicy. It's twelve forty-five. It's fifteen to one. È mezzogiorno and a room. It's a quarter past twelve. È mezzogiorno less a room It's eleven forty-five in the morning. It's a quarter to noon. thereone and mezza. It's half past one. È mezzanotte and mezzo/a (thirty). It's half past midnight. It's midnight thirty. |
sleep read quattro and venti. It's twenty past four. sleep read tredici. It's thirteen o'clock. It's one in the afternoon. sleep read four less fan. It's twenty minutes to four. It's three forty. sleep read fan. It's twenty two hours. It's ten o'clock at night. sleep read fanned less a room. It's a quarter to eight at night. It's seven forty-five at night. |
I numerari cardinali:/ The cardinal numbers:
1- One | 13- Tredici |
25-Venticinque | 90- Novanta |
2- Due |
14 – Quattordic |
26- Ventilated |
100- One hundred |
3- Tre |
15- Quindic |
27- Ventisette | 200- Duecento |
4- Quattro |
16- Sedic |
28- Ventotto |
1000-Mille |
5- Cinque |
17- Diaciassette |
29- Ventinove | 1900-millennium |
6- I know |
18- Diciotto |
30-Thirty |
2000- Duemil |
7- Seven |
19- Diciannine |
31- Trentuno |
8- Otto |
20- Venti |
40- Forty |
9- Nine |
21- Ventuno |
50- Fifty |
10- Dieci |
22- Ventilation |
60- Sixty |
11- Undici |
23- Ventitré |
70- Settanta |
12- Docici |
24- Ventiquattro |
80- Ottanta |
- Giochetto answer, in ordine: / Play answer, in order:
(5), (1), (4), (6), (2), (3).
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Italian - Brazil School
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Che pray sleep? Is it now?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.