Created at the end of last year with the objective of replacing Bolsa Família, Auxílio Brasil is an initiative of the Federal Government to help families that survive below the poverty line. Thus, during every month, a calendar is published so that people can withdraw or check their Caixa Tem digital accounts. Follow the text and check out the calendar for the month of May!
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The Brazil Aid
Auxílio Brasil is a benefit created for families living in poverty or extreme poverty who survive on about R$170 per person. It was created with the aim of replacing the Bolsa Família and extending the public income policy after the end of emergency aid.
Currently, around 18 million Brazilians benefit from the amount of R$ 400. The number is still very high, which conveys some concern, as it shows how many Brazilians live in extreme poverty, even more so in times of economic crisis.
In order for families to be able to receive it, they need to register in their city. This register is fundamental to verify the conditions of each family and works as a control. If you are already registered, the money is automatically available in your Caixa Tem account. If you are already registered, check the calendar below!
Brazil Aid Calendar for May
To find out your payday, it is important to be connected to your NIS, as payment is made according to its final number. That way, follow the calendar and know your payment date!
Final NIS number vs Payment Date
End May 1 / 18
End May 2 / 19
End May 3 / 20
End May 4th / 23rd
End May 5 / 24
End May 6th / 25th
End May 7th / 26th
End May 8 / 27
End May 9 / 30
End May 0 / 31