In Brazil, breathtaking island by nature can tell stories of terrible

If you are looking for a place to spend your holidays, certainly the Big Island could be in your script. A place to enjoy the sun and natural beauty that nature has to offer. The sea of ​​clear colors and calm waters receives thousands of tourists who are eager to discover the island.

Ilha Grande, located in the State of Rio de Janeiro, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has a protected nature reserve. However, Ilha Grande was not always a place of intense entertainment.

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In the 19th century, the island was a colony of 'lepers' and in the more recent period it housed a maximum security prison for Brazil's worst criminals. For this reason, during a long period of history, the island was not seen as a place for visits, because, in addition to having a maximum security prison, cars cannot access the beaches.

In all, there are 100 paradisiacal beaches, extending over 193 km² and was discovered in 1502 by the navigator André Gonçalves from Portugal.

The unforgettable past of Ilha Grande

First, the island was a cradle for patients suffering from infections of different types. The Cândido Mendes Penal Institute closed its doors in 1994, but the remains of the place remain there until today to tell history.

In 1930, the island received the first prisoners during the decade before it was even a maximum security prison. It was a territory teeming with the biggest criminals in the country at the time. There are still ruins of a prison that can make up a part of history that the island itself does not want to remember.

After 1994, the island began to receive tourists from all over. Before the closure of the prison, it was not a place that attracted many people's attention. The island was a great escape for pirates and smugglers, and basically, it was used for successful operations at sea.

Magnificent gift for the island

If your environment is that of a quiet beach, calm and paradisiacal places, Ilha Grande can be part of your travel itinerary. Plan to ride a boat or a schooner and be ready to discover one of the most incredible places in Brazil.

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