Nubank launches new functions on the market

O NuBank is a leading national startup in the digital financial niche and works as a credit card operator and with the fintech modality. Currently in Brazil this operator has almost 40 million customers, but also operates in other countries such as Mexico and Colombia. Today Nubank ranks among the best digital operators on the planet and one of its best quality points is customer service. Find out what are Nubank's new functions.

The operator has taken an important step with the aim of starting a new platform in the financial world, already in the testing phase, which will offer a complete financial service. In this way, it will be possible to make investments of any amount, whether in shares, BDR, etc.

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Primarily investments are multimarket funds that are composed of fixed income, shares, both in the country and abroad, in addition to gold and dollar.

Furthermore, the operator recently decided to invest in e-commerce through the Spin Pay platform and is already celebrating the good results, as it already offers the service through its own application. The company has also announced that it will make the shopping function available, where there will be several benefits to the consumer in addition to promotional prices in cases of payment via Nubank.

How one of the new functions will work

In order for the benefits to be enjoyed, purchases must take place through the stores' websites, but starting the purchase process through the Nubank application.

Operator customers will benefit from advantageous discounts. Currently, few customers can already use this service, but for a short time, as the proposal is to expand quickly.

The way to access this news is the Shopping link from within the application and there choose the store you want. Next, click on continue to the store and then it will be possible to choose and finalize the purchase of the products.

Finally, it should be noted that the sale of products does not occur through the operator's application. Nubank only offers good offers. Several stores have already joined the financial project, as an example it is possible to mention Motorola, Xiaomi, Dafiti and others.

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