Users of conventional satellite dishes may receive a free kit from the government

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5G has already arrived in Brazil and brought numerous innovations that will transform the routine of Brazilians. The television signal, for example, will undergo some changes. The government is already providing a free satellite dish to citizens to avoid inconvenience and damage to the population. Is it your case? Find out how to get yours too.

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Who can receive satellite dish kit

The technology in question represents a transformation in the image quality of televisions present in Brazilian homes that use a conventional TVRO-type satellite dish. Therefore, the first requirement to receive the kit is precisely to use this specific type of television.

In addition, the family will need to have an active enrollment in CadÚnico, as this is the mechanism through which which the Federal Government maps the people who are living in a temporary situation of poverty or extreme poverty. If you still don't have a registration in the tool, you need to turn to the Reference Center for Social Assistance, that is, the CRAS in your city.

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In this case, the citizen cannot forget to bring the necessary documentation referring to all family members, as well as the information that proves the nucleus' income. Finally, it will also be necessary to know if the place where the citizen is located receives the 5G signal, because only then will the installation be necessary and possible.

Cities and states receiving 5G

For the time being, the most up-to-date mobile network in the national market continues to be a novelty in the routine of many citizens, since the implementation took place so recently. Therefore, not all cities already have the signal. From this, we inform you that you can only receive the antenna kit, or rather, you only need to have access to one, those who are in cities whose signal is already undergoing an alteration. Are they:

  • Belo Horizonte;
  • Brasilia;
  • Curitiba;
  • Florianópolis;
  • Goiania;
  • João Pessoa;
  • palms;
  • Porto Alegre;
  • Rio de Janeiro;
  • Savior;
  • São Paulo;
  • Victory.

Living in these capitals, yes. You can request an appointment for the installation of equipment by calling the Siga Antenado program. Just make a call to 0800 729 2404 or access the site and provide the requested information to receive the necessary for a television signal with more clarity in image and sound.

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