Are you going to take the exam? Check out some tips to do well!

The date of applying for the Enem test (National High School Examination) is getting closer and closer and nothing better than preparing in advance to do well. Achieving a good score requires a lot of effort on the part of the student and normally this preparation happens gradually.

Some dedicate themselves more intensely during the last year of high school, when they are forced to choose the professional career they want to follow. In turn, other people choose to invest in a preparatory course, especially if they are away from the classroom for a long time.

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But after all, why is Enem so important? Before answering this question, another very pertinent question arises: Which student does not would like to enter a public university or win a scholarship at a university particular? Certainly a large percentage of the population.

Professionalizing with quality has become a basic requirement to enter the job market and reach a good position or a good salary. Faced with wide competition, joining a university has become one of the most important to achieve these goals and narrow the paths to be successful in a future next.

Enem is currently considered a gateway to public and private universities. Created in 1998, this test is carried out by the Brazilian Ministry of Education, whose main intention is to assess the quality of secondary education in the country. It is the largest exam in Brazil, and in the last year (2014) it had more than nine million subscribers divided into 1,661 cities in the country.

In 2009, its second version started. The number of questions increased and the test began to replace the old entrance exam. The exam is held annually and lasts for two days. It has 180 objective questions, divided between four multiple-choice tests, each with 45 questions, in addition to the essay.

The main areas covered in the tests are: Human Sciences and their Technologies (History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology); Natural Sciences and its Technologies (Chemistry, Physics and Biology); Language Codes and their Technologies and Writing (Portuguese Language, Foreign Language 'English or Spanish', Arts and Physical Education); and Mathematics and its Technologies (Mathematics). All of these subjects are approached in an interdisciplinary way and allow students to reflect on different topics.

The Enem score is very important and can be used as access to higher education at federal, state universities and Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology through Sisu (Unified Selection System) and Sisutec (Unified Selection System for Professional and Technological Education), provided that these institutions choose to adhere to Enem as a sole or partial form of selection.

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Another way to use the Enem score and facilitate access to higher education is through ProUni (University for All Program) and Fies (Financing Fund for Higher Education Students) Higher). Through the Program, for example, it is possible to even obtain a full scholarship or discounts on tuition at private universities. Another advantage is that participation in the test can serve as a certificate of completion of high school for people over 18 years of age.

Given the importance of the Enem to enter a university, whether public or private, it is necessary that the student be prepared to take it. To help you do well and ensure a good grade, we've selected some essential tips. Check it out below:

1 – Know the test style

As is well known, Enem has a differentiated linearity of questions, which prioritizes interdisciplinarity. The test is divided into four specialties, which encompasses virtually all subjects studied in high school. To do well, it is necessary to know this profile and prepare in advance, either through a prep course or during the last year of high school.

2 – Retake previous exams

A great tip to improve your knowledge about the test is to redo the questions that have already been dropped. Through this exercise, it is possible to know both its facilities and difficulties and thus adjust your study plan throughout your preparation.

3 – Make study groups

As long as you choose your study partners well, studying in a group can be very beneficial. Get together with people who have the same interest as you, that is, joining a public university or winning a scholarship at a private university through the Enem. Discuss the issues, have debates and be cooperative with each other.

4 – Listen to your teachers

Teachers are great allies when preparing for the Enem. They currently have the most diverse knowledge about the tests and can give great tips. Write down your doubts and make sure you are on the right path or should evaluate your study plan.

5 – Make your plan

To do well in the test, it is essential that you are an organized person and faithful to the study schedule. Choose the period of the day that you consider the most productive and, of course, adjust your other daily obligations. Also, choose a good place to study. A quiet place, with little movement of people, can considerably facilitate the progress of your studies.

6 – Slow down before the race

Of course, the more you study, the more chance you have of getting a greater number of questions right. However, this preparation must be done gradually so that you do not tire your mind and make your studies a burden. In the week before the test, plan to review the most important content or clarify doubts. Try to do something that you like, so that you can calm your mind.

7 – Pay attention to the day of the test

On test day, avoid being subjected to any situation that makes you nervous. Arrive at the application site in advance, take a few minutes to concentrate and be optimistic.

These were some tips for you to be more prepared to take the Enem test, scheduled to take place on October 24th and 25th of this year. Still in doubt about something important about your application? So take this time to inform yourself and ensure a good grade.

See also the FGV Portal which offers free classes for the Enem

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