Ask for your free Digital TV kit; know how

TV has become a necessity for Brazilians, but the transition to 5G it's just getting started. However, experts explain the need to leave the 5G frequency without outside interference, which requires the use of new antennas for the operation of open channels. Thus, to ensure access to this service for everyone, the free digital tv kit is being distributed to beneficiary families of government social programs.

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5G can be harmed by satellite dishes

The C band transmits from satellites to satellite dishes and operates between 3.7 GHz and 6.45 GHz. 5G should use the so-called Ku band, from 3.3 GHz to 3.7 GHz. But overlapping networks can get in the way of new technology. 5G.

So, the solution in this case is full antenna migration. Thus, it was determined in the 5G auction that telecom companies need to replace old equipment in low-income homes with new digital antennas.

How is the free kit composed?

The kit is a collection of tools needed to make your TV that had a satellite dish receive the digital signal. The package includes a digital converter, remote control, digital antenna and the necessary coaxial cable to install the new antenna.

Who is entitled to receive the kit?

With resources from the Ministry of Science and Technology, the free digital TV kit will be distributed to the low-income population. Families benefiting from social programs, registered with CadÚnico, will be entitled to receive the kits.

How to secure your free kit?

Individuals who are registered for social benefits have two ways to pick up their kit, by making appointments over the phone or online.

  • Telephone

It is possible to order and schedule the collection of your kit by number 147, just have your personal documents (CPF, RG) and your PIS number.

  • Internet

In addition, it is also possible to schedule through the Seja Digital portal. Thus, to make the request, it is necessary to have the CPF and NIS number of the person responsible for the benefit.

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