5 Behaviors That Ruin a Relationship

Relating is not easy, especially nowadays, with many distractions and things that end up with peace in a relationship. Therefore, it is very important to know what to avoid in a loving relationship to keep the peace and not have unnecessary wear and tear on the two. Make no mistake, it's a daily effort, but it's so worth it!

Throughout this article you can check 5 behaviors that should not be part of a healthy relationship. See below what to avoid in a loving relationship!

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Behaviors that should be avoided in romantic relationships

Sometimes it can seem that maintaining a healthy and happy relationship is super easy and effortless, like in the movies. However, it is important to say that successful relationships are, in reality, quite challenging and demand a lot of dialogue and commitment between the parties. In addition, happy couples make a daily effort to avoid burnout and avoid behaviors such as those listed below.

Lack of communication

It may seem obvious, but many people want to relate without establishing clear and objective communication with their loved one. Is this how it works? No one has a crystal ball, so if one person doesn't say what they feel, the other has no way of guessing and that could end up leading to unnecessary fights resulting from the emotional explosion of someone who is bothered by something that is not being recognized by the partner. To avoid this, maintaining dialogue is essential in a relationship.

breach of trust

Trust is one of the main (in some cases, the main) pillar of love relationships. So when there is some kind of betrayal, it can be the end of dating or marriage. Soon, successful couples know that valuing transparency and fidelity is essential for peace to reign.


Boredom is part of healthy relationships, but self-indulgence is the enemy of lasting relationships. Over the years it is common for celebrations, unexpected gifts, demonstrations of affection, among other things, become less common, however, it is essential to rescue these small details from time to time. when. This will certainly make a big difference and keep the relationship burning and your partner aware that you care and that you haven't gotten complacent.

Make room for emotional detachment

This topic has a lot to do with the first one, about communication. Happy couples make room for emotional detachment, however, this requires a lot of dialogue, otherwise emotions can cool down and, without you realizing it, love can go away. Often, a person just wants to have space to do their own chores, see friends, etc.

friction in public

Amazing as it sounds, fights are also important to keep the relationship healthy. However, have you ever heard that saying that dirty clothes are washed at home? That's exactly it. Relationship particularities should never be discussed in public, as the tendency is to make the situation worse.


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