O coffee It is a drink very much appreciated by Brazilians, however, its excessive consumption can cause serious damage to health. Next, let's talk about the risks of excessive coffee intake.
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Risks of coffee consumption
Coffee is consumed by many people, usually with the purpose of warding off tiredness and starting the day with a better mood. However, there are those that are not limited to just drinking a small cup of coffee, drinking it in large quantities and several times a day. The danger of coffee is mainly in the caffeine, which, if ingested in excess, can be fatal.
As with some dangerous illicit drugs, caffeine present in the cafe too can cause overdose. Cases have already been reported in various parts of the world of death due to excess of caffeine on body. Studies indicate that a concentration of 50 mg per ml of blood may be enough to kill a person.
It is noteworthy that reaching these levels of this substance drinking coffee is quite difficult, since a common cup of this drink contains, on average, 260 mg of caffeine. However, we must be careful, because it is not just coffee that contains caffeine. Therefore, some researchers recommend drinking only half a cup to three cups of coffee daily, and
should never exceed six cups a day.Besides the overdose, other problems can be caused by too much coffee, such as:
Nausea and diarrhea;
Tremors in the hands;
Increased blood pressure;
Fast heartbeat;
Elevation of levels of cholesterol.
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Is the coffee that bad?
As stated before, excessive coffee consumption can damage health, however, if consumed in adequate doses, this drink has several benefits.. Among the benefits reported in the literature, we can mention:
Reduction of up to 80% of the risk of developing Parkinson's disease;
Reduction of crises of asthma;
Inhibition of the formation of dental cavity;
Antioxidant source;
Improves cognitive functions, thus aiding in intellectual activities.
Given the above, it is clear that, like any food or drink, coffee should be consumed in moderation. In addition, it is important to highlight that, if ingested in adequate amounts, it can even be beneficial to health.
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher
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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Risks of over-consumption of coffee"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/riscos-consumo-exagerado-cafe.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.
Action of caffeine on the brain, properties of coffee, trimethylxanthine, effects of caffeine on the body, neurotransmitter Adenosine, function of adenosine in the brain, dangers of caffeine, intoxication by coffee.