Know the best foods to reduce the desire to eat sweets

Sweets, in addition to being delicious, can even improve our mood. When consumed with caution there are many benefits. The problem is when the urge to eat candy comes up all the time. But calm down that some tips can help you reduce that desire.

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With the evolution of research, some studies have shown that certain healthier foods can help reduce the desire to eat sweets. Mainly for those who eat by compulsion. Check out the list of the main foods that can help you.

Foods to Reduce Sweets

It's always good to have some food around so you don't overeat sweets. Therefore, we separate the main foods that you can carry with you and reduce the desire for sweets.

1 – Chestnuts: either cashew or Pará nuts, they are all indicated to reduce the desire to eat a brigadeiro or any other sweet. Also, they are rich in good fat and can be allied with your diet.

2 – Prunes: they are tasty and even sweet. They can be consumed right after lunch, in exchange for a less healthy dessert.
3 – Dehydrated fruits: this tip is great, as dehydrated fruits can be easily carried in your bag, without losing them. They also help you reduce hunger and cravings for sweeter flavors.
4 – Sweet potato: it is already known to those who go on diets and is also full of benefits for the body. Sweet potatoes are nutritious and help fill you up. They are rich in fiber, vitamins and potassium. Leave it to consume as one of the last lunch foods, for example.
5 – Raisin: you must not like it, especially with other foods. But, if the flavor pleases you, know that raisins are a great ally and can greatly reduce the desire to eat sweets.
6 – Yogurt: with oatmeal, powdered milk or some fruit, such as banana. These combinations also reduce cravings for sweets.

Include these tips in your routine. But be sure to consult a nutritionist to have a diet suitable for your body's needs.

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