Indirect complement: di luogo. Indirect complement: from place

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Ciascuno I complemented the experience of a relationship, I determined a point of space in rapport with the status of the expression of the verb.” / ‘Each of the complements that express a link of place, that is, they determine a point in space in relation to the state or action expressed (a) by the verb.’

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

As it comes out, the Italian language has a grand cast of indirect complements, which you can see accessing the site: “I complemented frasali" and "I added indirect: di specificazione e di finish”. At the moment, vedrai a southern complement indirect di luogo, com si divide and degli esempi. / As you know, the Italian language has a large list of indirect complements, which you can see accessing on the website: “I complementi frasali” and “I complementi indiretti: di specificazione e di finish”. For now, you'll see a little about the place add-on, how it splits, and some examples.

It is possible to divide i complement di luogo in due gruppi: complement di stat and complement di moto, il quale si subdivide in: moto a luogo, moto per luogo and moto da luogo. At the moment, you will find the distata complement in luogo and the moto a luogo.

/ It is possible to divide the place complements into two groups: stay complement in one place; and movement complement, which is subdivided into: going or returning movement, passing or half movement, and moving out of a place. At the moment, you will know the complement of stay in one place and the outward or return movement.

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Per motivi di studio and di comprensione degli studenti e/o lettori, h tradotto dall'italiano al portoghese i complementi di luogo, anche se al portoghese non ci sono questi tipi di complementi. / For reasons of study and understanding of students and/or readers, I translated the place complements from Italian into Portuguese, even though these types of complements do not exist in Portuguese.

Complement of distato in luogo / Complement of stay in one place

This complement indicates il position in cui succede un’azione o dove si trova qualcosa. Vedi alcuni esempi. / This complement indicates the place where an action takes place or where something is found. See some examples.

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Esempi: / Examples:

1) Stay the House? / You are at home?

2) Book is south tavolo. / The book is on the table.

3) Abita to Bologna. / Lives in Bologna.

4) Rimane da lu? / Stay at his house?

Nelle frasi sopra, i complemented di stat in luogo sono in rosa. Questo complement è retto dalle preposizioni: in, da, a, su, sotto, inside (...) ed anche dalle locuzioni: accanto a, vicino a, all’interno di (...)./ In the sentences above, the permanence complements are in pink. This complement is governed by the prepositions: in, to, over, below, inside (...) and also by the phrases: beside, near, inside (...).

Complement of moto a luogo / Complement of outward or return movement

The complement of the motorbike a luogo indicates the post dove l’essere ci si muove o è diretta un’azione. Osserva degli esempi. / The forward or backward movement complement indicates the location where the being moves or where it performs a direct action. Look at some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) We left by the party. / We left for the party.

2) Siamo Tornati from Giulia. / We returned from Giulia's house.

3) Vado to Reggio Calabria./ I'm going to Reggio Calabria.

4) Childbirth in direzione dell'autostrada. / I start towards the highway.

Nelle frasi sopra, i complemented di moto a luogo sono in blu. Complementary question is retto dalle preposizioni: a, da, in, per (...) ed anche dalle locuzioni: in direzione di, nei pressi di (...)./ In the sentences above, the one-way or return complements are in blue. This complement is governed by the prepositions: a, from, in, to (...) and also by the phrases: towards, in the vicinity of (...).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Indirect complement: di luogo"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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