Principi regolativi di a text. Regulatory principles of a text

Meaning: / Meaning:

Prima di conoscere cosa sono i principi regolativi di a testo, vedi cosa dicon i linguisti Dressler and Beaugrande sull’argomento: * “noi ci immaginiamo almeno tre di questi du principi regolativi, l'efficienza di un testo, la quale da un Possibly the limitation and difficulty of the part of the participant to all the communication nell'uso di questo text; l'effettività, it depends on the fatto if the testo lasciates a strong impression and produces condizioni favorevoli al ragiungimento di un fine; l’approprietezza di a testo, che è dall’agreement tra il its content and i modi in cui vengono soddisfatte le condizioni della testualità.” / Before knowing what the regulating principles of a text are, see what the linguists Dressler and Beaugrande say on the subject: ‘we at least predict three of these two regulatory principles: the efficiency of a text, which can be limited by a degree of effort by the parties participating in the communication in the use of such text; effectiveness, which depends on whether the text leaves a strong impression and produces favorable conditions for achieving an end; and the suitability of a text, which is given by the agreement between its content and the ways in which the textuality conditions are satisfied.’

*Information taken from the book “Introduzione alla linguistica testuale” Dressler and Beaugrande.

Dopo leggere is signified by its principle of regulation, if it serves as a servant to control the communication testual. Si può individuarli eats: efficienza, effettività (efficacia) ed approprietezza. It is possible to direct the communicative competence of the speaker is an important element in the production testuale, giacchè if you must have in story your competence nell'adeguatezza del linguaggio in diverse situazioni. Clearly, i principi regolativi sono legati ai principi costitutivi o essenziali ad a text. Vedi sotto il significato di ogni regolative principle./ After reading the meanings about the regulatory principles, it is observed that they serve to control textual communication. They can be identified as: efficiency, effectiveness (effectiveness) and suitability. It is possible to say that the communicative competence of the speaker is also an important element in the production textual, since one must take into account their competence in adapting the language in various situations. Obviously, regulatory principles are linked to the constitutive or essential principles of a text. See below for the meaning of each regulatory principle.

Puntata! / Tip!

Volendo capire a po’ di più sull’argomento - principal constitutive essenziali di a testo - it is possible to access the following testi site: “Elementi coesivi di a testo”, “element of the test”, “I began essenziali di a buon testo”, “Parti costitutive di a testo”. / Wanting to understand a little more about the subject - constitutive or essential principles of a text - you can access the following texts on the website: “Elementi coesivi di un testo”, “Elementi di un testo”, “I principi essenziali di a buon testo”, “Parti costitutive di un testo” test".

Efficiency / Efficiency

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A test is detto efficient when it is in graded di raggiungere a fine and così sing from the ricevente a effort d’interpretazione limited. Di solito, an efficient text will always be costituto da codici noti, pienno di partiche contribute to all its linguistic unit and mainly perché indrodurrà altri elementi con nuove informazioni. A good esempio di testi efficienti sono quelli stradali. / A text is said to be efficient when it is able to achieve a goal, requiring a limited effort of interpretation on the part of the recipient. Normally, an efficient text will always consist of known codes, full of parts that contribute to its linguistic unity and mainly because it will introduce other elements with new information. A good example of efficient texts are road texts (road signs).

Effettività / Effectiveness (Effectiveness)

A text is very effective when it rises to this being alive in the recipient's memory and it rises to produce a circumstance that favors the deterioration of a fine quality. If only, if you have a text that is less effective and efficient and vice versa, it is easy to code and decoding the l’altro, ossia, the effective text is that which richiede the recipient più attenzione all your interpret. It is possibile to identify as effective text, i messaggi pubblicitari. / A text is said to be effective when it manages to be alive in the recipient's memory and also manages to produce favorable circumstances for achieving any objective. Typically, it is said that a text can be less effective than efficient and vice versa, because one has encoding and decoding easier than the other, that is, the effective text is the one that asks the recipient more attention to its interpretation. Advertising messages can be identified as an example of effective text.

Approprietezza / Suitability

The principle of appropriating a text is simply that which makes the principle of harmony between the content and the scelte testuary fatte from the scrittore. Sarebbe is inadequate, per esempio, to present in a university environment a Monograph in Law col testo pieno di gerghi the vocabulary innapropriati to that type of tesi ad essere divulged. Allora, right here for a text, approprietezza is right for that one ubbidisce to tutte le regole testuali. / The principle of adequacy of a text is simply what is called the principle of harmony between the contents and textual choices made by the sender or the writer. It would be inappropriate, for example, to present in a university environment a monograph on Law with the text full of slang or words inappropriate for that type of thesis to be published. So, to say that a text has suitability is to say that it obeys all textual rules.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Principi regolativi di un testo"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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