Discover the great health benefits of propolis

Propolis is a resin produced naturally by bees. It is a brown, sticky substance made from tree sap and bee saliva. In addition, it also serves to build, coat and protect the hives. However, the benefits of propolis extend to humans as well.

There are currently more than 300 different types of propolis that vary in color from brown (most common), green or red. It can also be found as an extract, powder or in the base of cosmetic products, ointments and creams.

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Almost all are made primarily of polyphenols, compound with antioxidant properties and which has other substances that have many benefits for the body, such as:

Strengthen the immune system

One of the best known properties is its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulatory action that make our body armored against infections.

For this reason, propolis is indicated to help in treatments against infections of the respiratory system, as it can help those who suffer from tonsillitis, flu, colds and sinusitis.

helps in healing

It is a reality that propolis is excellent in the treatment of burns and wounds on the skin: studies show that it acts on wounds, preventing the action and proliferation of bacteria, fungi and yeasts.

In addition to protection, it also speeds up the healing process, so it is recommended to rub propolis into the injured tissue every three days to treat and restore minor burns.

against herpes

Some ointments for the treatment of herpes in the mouth or genitalia already contain propolis in their composition and this helps to reduce the symptoms and heal the wounds faster.

Research indicates that by applying propolis 3 to 4 times a day to a wound, the healing process is more effective than with other specific products for the disease.

Treats canker sores and gingivitis

The antimicrobial properties of propolis can help a lot when we have canker sores and gingivitis, because in addition to helping to fight it, it also prevents these problems. In addition, it is very easy to use: we only have to rinse our mouth.

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