Government will develop a program to assist indebted people

O government is aiming to help people who are in debt and, with that, launched a novelty that can contribute to many interested parties. In order to reach this goal, the government intends to create a program to assist those in debt. Did you know that? Stay on top of the news and learn more by continuing reading.

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Government program for debt

The government wants to help people who are indebted, with that, it will create a program that intends to help them. The target audience are the beneficiaries of the Brazil Aid.

These people, in the year 2022, contracted payroll loan debts also offered by the benefit Auxílio Brasil, the idea is to implement the modality and insert these people, who are in default, back into the economy.

The news arrived through the announcement of the Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger, Wellington Dias. However, this is a measure that is still being elaborated and, if approved, will be called “Desenrola Brasil”.

This can be a way to make people move from the place of debtor and go back to consuming in the market, making the economy spin.

“Develop Brazil”

According to the minister, everything indicates that, with the creation of the program, 80 million people who are in default will be assisted, or that is, around 3.5 million people, who are indebted with the payroll and who receive the Brazil Aid, will be free from the debt.

This is also a way of making debtors pay the debt to the government, since they already total R$ 9.5 billion.

According to the minister, the program will be created together with the partnership of others, in addition, he considers the indebtedness of the Auxílio Brasil – or Bolsa Família – to be serious.

It seems that the program really aims to help people who are in debt. The program was used/mentioned during the elections, and its objective was clearly electoral.

Furthermore, the President Lula has already shown interest and sensitivity to the issue since his election campaign. The aim is to wipe out debt and get people back into the economy.

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