Pineapple peel tea with ginger: Learn how to make it

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Pineapple is a fruit that can be used completely, from the pulp to the skin. Also, in this respect, its bark has a high value of nutrients, as well as important assets that work as an excellent natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger is a great antioxidant, with vasodilator properties.

Because of this, it acts in the fight against hypertension, increasing blood circulation. Learn how to make ginger pineapple peel tea.

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How to make ginger pineapple peel tea?

This is a recipe that yields a total of four servings. In addition to being practical, this tea is very simple, making the difficulty of the recipe minimal. Preparation time is 10 minutes.


  • Peel of 1 pineapple;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • fresh ginger;
  • Honey or sweetener (optional);
  • Pineapple pulp (optional).

Method of preparation

Start by putting water in a pan and bring it to a boil. When that happens, add the pineapple skins. It is important to remember that they must be washed and well sanitized. Also add 3 to 4 slices of fresh ginger.

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If you are interested, at this point you can also add some mint or cinnamon leaves, according to your preference. Leave the pot covered and the fire low, to boil and make the water absorb as much of the nutrients as possible.

After lifting boil, wait 5 minutes and turn off the fire. Then strain the liquid, which will infuse your tea. Once this is done, your delicious and nutritious pineapple and ginger tea will be ready. Since some people like sweeter drinks, it is possible to add honey or sweetener, but this is a completely personal choice.

Furthermore, to make your tea chilled, if you prefer a refreshing drink, there is still the possibility of using the pineapple pulp itself as ice. To do this, freeze some pineapple cubes and add them to your tea.
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