Micro and small companies have generated more jobs than large ones

According to a survey carried out by the SEBRAE in the first half of this year, micro and small companies are responsible for having created more than 900 thousand job vacancies in the country, while medium and large companies only generated around 270 thousand vacancies. These data, which were analyzed by SEBRAE, came from the General Register of Employed and Unemployed People (CAGED).

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The numbers obtained by the institution show that there is a similarity with the data corresponding to the same semester last year, when micro and small companies were responsible for generating 7 out of 10 jobs jobs. As a result, Micro and Small Companies continue to maintain the largest generation of new jobs in the country.

In the last half of 2022, data released by SEBRAE showed Micro and Small Companies in the Services as the main means of creating new jobs in the country, having gone from 500 thousand new hires. The Construction and Transformation Industry areas remain in second and third position, respectively, with approximately 168 thousand and 126 thousand new jobs generated.

It is important to emphasize that, among all the means of action of Micro and Small Companies, they show a very positive number in the period in which they were analyzed, even in Commerce, which was the only one that received a negative evaluation between Medium and Large Companies. The president of SEBRAE said that the numbers presented in the survey showed that Micro and Small companies has been the segment that has the best conditions to be able to overcome the barrier of job creation in the country.

Even with a considerable increase in inflation that ended up hitting small companies in full, the entrepreneurs remained firm in the first semester, managing to obtain a very positive.

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