These are the zodiac signs of today's greatest leaders

Regardless of your beliefs, knowing a little more about the signs of the zodiac and assimilating them to the various existing personalities can be very interesting. Now imagine if you could know a little more about some famous politicians through the characteristics of each sign. Isn't that a phenomenal idea?

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Valuable knowledge from the zodiac sign

Check out the personalities of the most famous politicians now:

Moon Jaen-in – Aquarius

President of South Korea, Moon tends to be more independent and loves intellectual conversation.

Vladimir Putin – Libra

Not-so-good traits like self-pity and spite are typical of Libras. However, they are also known for their sense of justice.

Jair Bolsonaro – Ariano

The President of Brazil, Jair likes to take on the leadership role. However, he is often impulsive.

Xi Jinping – Gemini

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China has the sign known for being sociable people and communicative, but that easily at some sudden moment, something simple can lead them to be serious.

Cyril Ramaphosa – Scorpio

President of South Africa, Cyril tends to be, by his sign, a person who likes to always fight to fight dishonesty.

Alberto Fernandez – Ariano

Aries people have characteristics of determination and confidence. However, humor and impatience go far beyond them.

Katerina Sakellaropoulou – Gemini

The president of Greece, since 2020, has a characteristic of constantly needing an intellectual stimulus.

Viktor Orbán – Gemini

The Hungarian politician who serves as Prime Minister has the sign that tends to characterize people as being inconsistent and indecisive.

Olaf Scholz – Gemini

Olaf is the current Chancellor of Germany and is also known for being very expressive and insightful. Usually people of this sign have two personalities.

Mario Draghi – Virginian

Mario Draghi is an Italian banker, politician, economist and former Prime Minister of his country. Virgos are known to be incomprehensible, because of the difficulty of expressing themselves and also because of their shyness.

Alexander De Croo – Scorpio

The current Prime Minister of Belgium has the sign that in the political area, they are well known for being extremely positive.

Emmanuel Macron – Sagittarius

Macron is known worldwide for being the current president of France, but what many people don't know is that he is a typically philosophical sign and that he carries a spirit of freedom, the Sagittarius. However, at times Sagittarians can be blindly optimistic and restless.

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