Countdown: LESS than a month left for Enem 2022

we have lessfrom one month to the beginning of the National High School Exam (Enem) 2022. It is set to happen on the 13th and 20th of November. According to Institute national of StudiesIt isAnísio Educational Research Teixeira (Inep), more than three million students will fight for what they want for the next four years.

Read more: Scheduled for November, Enem 2022 tests are already prepared

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Understand the exam scheme of the exam

Students, on the first weekend, will take tests on languages, human sciences and writing. In this first application, the total test time will be 5h30. On the following weekend, it will be time to solve math and natural science questions. That's when students will only have 5 hours to answer the questions.

With the exception of essay writing, all other subjects will be multiple choice questions. The text must be handwritten, both in the printed version and in its digital version.

Everyone's right

Enem will provide accessibility resources for those who need it and also treatment with the social name for those who made this request. Among the modalities, we have the tests in Braille, translator interpreter of Brazilian Language Signals (Pounds), video proofinpounds (video with The translation) and proof with enlarged font. These measures are taken so that the exam is fair for everyone, so that there is no discrimination of any kind.

As in the last two editions, the 2022 test will have two versions: printed and digital. Only 65,066 people will take the exam on the computer, that is, in its online version. The other 3,331,566 will take the test in the traditional way, with the printed version at the selected test location.

Through the registration confirmation card, students are able to find the information they need for the day of the test, such as the exact location of the exam. This same card will be released by Inep.

It can also be consulted online.

General information

According to data released by the municipality, the largest number of students is female, representing 61.3% of the total number of students. This percentage refers to the printed version of the test. In the digital model, women continue to be the majority, but with a percentage of 54.1%.

In terms of age, most candidates for vacancies who are going to take the printed version of the test are aged 18 (27.8%). Then we have people between 21 and 30 years old (22.1%), who represent the majority in the digital version of the test (33%). Participants aged 18 make up 23.4% of the total who will take the online test.

Inep makes available to them the corrected versions of their previous tests through the site from the institute. There, it is also possible to find the participant's booklet, with tips on how to structure the text of the essay and explanations on correction.

Grades can be used to enter public higher education through the Unified Selection System (SiSU), as well as to get scholarships at private colleges with the University for All Program (ProUni).

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