ONHB History Olympiad opens registration for the 2017 edition

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Students and teachers from public and private schools can register until April 28 for the 9th National Olympiad in the History of Brazil (ONHB). The project is developed by the Department of History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp).

The Olympiad is open to students in the 8th and 9th grades of elementary school and all of high school. They must organize themselves into groups of three participants, all from the same school, with the guidance of a History teacher. The same teacher can guide different teams, but each student can only be part of one team.


All team members, including the faculty advisor, must apply individually, through the ONHB website. After individual registrations, registration for the Olympics must be carried out by only one member of the team, preferably the teacher, who must inform the group's data.

Public schools
- Until March 26: R$30 per team
- From March 24th to April 28th: ​​R$ 45

Private schools
- Until March 26: R$ 60 per team
- From March 24th to April 28th: ​​R$ 90

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The 2017 edition of the Olympics consists of five phases carried out over the internet, lasting one week each. The first phase will start on May 8th, ending the fifth stage on June 10th.

 The answers (multiple choice questions and task completion) can be prepared by the participants through debate with peers, research in books, internet and teacher guidance.

After the five stages, at least 200 teams (800 participants) are classified for the face-to-face final, which takes place at Unicamp, in Campinas/SP, on August 19th and 20th. In the final, the teams perform a dissertation test and, on the following day, participate in the awards with the delivery of medals.

More information, regulations and registration on the website olimpiadadehistia.com.br.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/noticias/olimpiada-historia-onhb-abre-inscricoes-para-edicao-2017/3123378.html


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