School Supplies Buying Tips

Every beginning of the school year or semester, stationery stores and bookstores are full of parents looking for school supplies. During this period, school material prices rise considerably compared to other times of the year. With that, the expense that is had with school materials surpasses the others. To help parents save money and buy the most suitable material, we have prepared some tips.
1st - Before going shopping, check the materials from the previous year or semester to find out what you can reuse.
2nd - Buy only the most basic materials, leave it for the after-school period to buy the other materials, as prices tend to fall.
3rd - It's always better to research before buying, because school materials suffer price variation from one stationery, or bookstore, to another.
4th - Also research the brands, as a lesser known brand can offer materials as good as those of a famous brand.
5th - Avoid taking your child to buy the materials, as he will probably opt for “fashion” products.
6th - Stay alert with your credit card and overdraft purchase.

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by Eliene Percília

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PERCILIA, Eliene. "School Supplies Buying Tips"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 30, 2021.

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