Is it possible to donate income tax for aid?

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Few know, but part of the income tax can be given to aid that has a social character. Thus, according to information from official bodies, it is possible to donate up to 6% of the amount.

In this context, any citizen who wishes can request the transfer to this medium. But, according to the IRS, not all the money is directed directly to social institutions.

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How does the donation take place?

At the first moment of the declaration, the money falls directly into the account of the state, municipal and district governments. Then, public agents are responsible for transferring the amounts to the appropriate social projects.

According to the rules, each person can donate about 6% of the tax. Half of this percentage goes to social projects that help children. Another part is also destined to shelters for the elderly.

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It is noteworthy that the wishes of citizens are met, since it is his money, and therefore he has freedom to do so. However, some experts warn to help those projects that are in the region where the taxpayer resides, as a way to avoid inequalities at the time of division.

How to donate?

  • When making the declaration, go to the “Donations Directly in the Declaration” form. Then choose what the donation fund will be. At this moment, there is the Elderly Fund and the Child and Adolescent Statute. Choose one of these options.
  • Afterwards, it is time to choose the level of government that will receive the donation, among federal, municipal and state levels.
  • Then, the program itself generates the Federal Revenue Collection Document (Darf). The deadline for submitting the income tax return is April 29. This new possibility made available by the Revenue is a practical way to avoid queues and meet obligations.

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