Check out the orthopedic problems caused by the cell phone

Cell phones are part of our daily lives, from waking up to the alarm clock until bedtime. It serves to pay bills, work meetings, talk to friends and resolve various demands. The device is practically an extension of the human body, as we currently seem unable to live without it. However, excessive use may be interfering with the health of the body, including the appearance of orthopedic problems. Follow the article to learn more about.

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Orthopedic problems caused by cell phones

According to the Brazilian Society of Traumatology, the number of people with back problems due to poor posture is increasing considerably. For them, this increase is related to the inappropriate use of the cell phone.

A text neck syndrome is the name given to a specific problem caused by the wrong position of tilting the head to look at the cell phone. According to orthopedist Marcelo Amato, this position can cause serious changes in the spine.

While we are often preoccupied with being connected to networks, we don't notice the posture we are in and, its position repetitive use can lead to the risk of developing chronic neck pain, recurrent torticollis, cervical disc herniation, parrot.

You need to think about your posture when using your cell phone

You have to be careful when using your cell phone, because problems are caused by excessive repetition of wrong movements. In addition, other problems can be caused in the short term, such as headaches.

The best way to prevent these problems in the future, according to Dr. Amato, is to avoid lowering your head to look at your cell phone. The important thing is to keep your neck neutral and use your arms to raise your cell phone to eye level.

If your arms get tired, the best position to stay comfortable is to sit down and rest your arms on the table. If you already have spine problems, it is recommended to redouble your attention and align cell phone use with the execution of specific physical activities for the spine.

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