6 Entrepreneurship Lessons from the Movie “Hunger for Power”

O film "hunger for forOder" brings details of everything that happened to make McDonald's the first major chain in fast food on a world scale. The story brings the conception of the first restaurant by the McDonald brothers and shows how everything changed when they met a salesman of machines to make milk shake, Ray Kroc. The yellow “M” that we see in different parts of Brazil and the world was born from this society.

There is a debate about unethical and dishonesty, but when we look at great stories and entrepreneurs, this is an issue that is almost always present. We could mention some situations in the life of Steve Jobs or the creation of Facebook in this regard. However, we will not go into these details and leave it up to you to assess what is right or wrong. In the more, we will comment 6 important points about entrepreneurship based on the film's narrative.

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1. The final product is not always the difference

The McDonald brothers' diner was busy and apparently the reason would be the quality of the food, but Ray Kroc soon realized it wasn't just that. O

differential was the speed of delivery of the order, something unique at that time, involving logistics and production engineering. People frequented McDonald's for the speed and not exactly the quality of the hamburger.

2. Continuous improvement is essential for success.

In order to arrive at the best model for organizing the kitchen and producing sandwiches, the McDonald brothers carried out a series of tests and evaluations. In short, even after coming to a conclusion and implementing the assembly line, they realized that there is room to improve and refizefrogm the process.

3. Don't just think about money, have other ambitions

The film never shows that Ray was looking for wealth, mansions, yachts and jewelry. He saw that McDonald's mission was something personal., a testament to his ability and his success as a businessman.

We remember that Ray was 52 years old when he met the McDonald brothers. was soldier in first war and machine seller for milk shake. He didn't have an enviable résumé and wasn't being disputed by several companies. He should be closer to the end of his career and waiting for the moment of retirement, but that is not the mentality found in the film.

4. Partners connected with the business

When Ray started looking for investors to own McDonald's new stores, he took aim at friends and acquaintances who had financial potential and were looking for profitability, and precisely this profile was the problem.

Because they had money and were already rich, investors didn't care about Ray's proposed rules. and much less with the excellence of the service, not to mention the changes in the product that were made on account of own.

After realizing his mistake, Ray shifted his focus and began looking for middle-class, hard-working, entrepreneurial people. The change took effect, and the new investors continued to align with the mentality and notion of quality de Ray, in addition to bringing several news and innovations to the brand.

Read too: 5 lessons from the movie moneyball: O man who changed the game

5. You are the best seller of your idea

Ray's initial goal was to get new franchisees, open new cafeterias, and grow the chain. During his career, he met different profiles of people and, in this way, their problems and dreams. He faced daily suppliers and new challenges that arose, in addition to the needs of new investors and the difficulties of setting up new stores.

Meanwhile, the McDonald brothers were always at the office taking care of bureaucracy, without going out into the street and living in a bubble, isolated, without information to make decisions about the company.

6. Good ideas are important, but implementing is more

The McDonald brothers understood that they had a revolutionary production system, and they knew it could be expand as a business, they themselves tried to open a branch in another city, but they were unsuccessful and gave up. What they lacked in execution and implementation was left to Ray, who was successful with his decisions and his planning.

The difference is very simple, the brothers had the idea, but it was Ray who managed to gain scale and transform the brand into something impactful as a business.

By New Educa

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/clube-do-empreendedorismo/licoes-de-empreendedorismo-do-filme-fome-de-poder.htm

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