5 things that have an expiration date and you probably didn't know

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When we talk about deadline validity, you can certainly think of food and beauty items. However, contrary to what many people think, most of the things we use were not made for eternal use, but to serve us for a limited period of time. With that in mind, we've listed 5 objects that have an expiration date. Find out what they are!

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Items that have an expiration date and you didn't imagine

First of all, it is worth explaining the reasons why non-perishable products may lose their expiration date. It turns out that many items lose their effectiveness after a certain period of time, so they need to be replaced.

In addition, some objects, especially those that are in contact with moisture, end up becoming dangerous. to our health due to the proliferation of microorganisms such as fungi, mites, bacteria and even virus.

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pillows and cushions

No matter how stuffed your pillows and cushions are, time causes them to become colonies of mites. Furthermore, with continued use, these objects become deformed and can cause back and neck pain. Therefore, the recommended exchange period is 2 to 3 years.

Running shoes

The problem with running shoes is wear and tear, as, consequently, there is less damping power. Therefore, when the shoe completes 1 year of use or exceeds 500 km travelled, it is time to change it to avoid overloading the joints.

combs and brushes

Even if you wash combs and brushes frequently, they should be changed once a year. However, if they are made from natural materials such as vegetable bristles and wood, you need to dispose of them within a shorter period, of a maximum of 10 months of use.


Towels are a perfect environment for the proliferation of microorganisms, especially when they are wet. These objects must be changed at most every three years, because after a while, even washing is not enough to clean them completely.

Make up brushes

Makeup brushes should be washed after each use, and they need to be replaced every five years. Trust me, your skin will thank you for it! Sponges, in turn, must be renewed every six months.


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