Santander project aims to reach 1,500 students throughout Brazil

The educational front of the bank Santander, Santander Universities, is accepting applications for the program We Overcome Together 2022. The objective is to help students from private colleges, who in some way may experience financial difficulties, to settle their debts with the institutions.

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The goal is to reach 1,500 students throughout Brazil, which could mean returning to the dream of many of them. In its entirety, students from more than 220 private universities in Brazil can take part in the program. Among the participating institutions are Anhanguera, UNIP, PUC Minas, UniLavras, Mackenzie, Unisinos, Unijorge, Barão de Mauá University Center and several others.

Having a total value of R$ 4,000, the scholarship benefits the student in two ways: the student receives an allowance of R$ 300, which can be used for any need, and R$ 3,700 are credited to the institution where you are enrolled in order to pay monthly fees and debts.

To qualify for the Santander scholarship, the student must:

• Be enrolled in a university accredited to the Santander Superamos Juntos 2022 program;
• Is going through a situation of social vulnerability;
• Is attending a bachelor's, graduate or technical course (on-site or distance learning) without the aid of a 100% scholarship granted by the IES or another development agency;
• Attendance at the Institution during the entire process of enrolling, participating and carrying out the program.

If you meet all the requirements, before applying, you must also check if your university is on the list of accredited institutions, available on the official website of the program. If so, it's a good time to register through the page.

Entries close at 11:00 pm on September 14, 2022. The evaluation of applications will take place from 09/14/2022 to 10/04/2022, and the result will also be announced on 4 October.

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