Vote in transit in 2022: see how to request it simply and quickly

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To the elections 2022 are scheduled for October 2nd. However, if on the voting date you are sure that you will not be in your electoral domicile, it will be possible to request until August 18th the vote in transit in this year.

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What is a transit vote?

Exercising the right to vote, in addition to being a citizen attitude, is a duty for all people between 18 and 70 years of age. Therefore, if you already know that you will be away from home on October 2nd, you can ask the Electoral Court to vote in transit.

This modality consists of the temporary transfer of the electoral domicile to another city, provided that it has a minimum of 100,000 registered voters. The purpose of voting in transit is to allow participation in the voting for those who had changes after the deadline for updating data in the Electoral Court.

Modalities for voting in transit

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The Electoral Code is responsible for providing for the occasions in which the transit vote is applied. Thus, it is possible to transfer the domicile to different states or to different municipalities within the same state, then:

  • Voter in the same state, but in a different city from your electoral domicile;
  • Voter in a state other than the one registered as electoral domicile.

In 2022, Brazilians will decide the next state and federal deputies, senators, governors and the president of the republic. Knowing such information is important because, depending on the case, the voter will not be able to vote for all positions.

If the voter fits the first case, he can vote for all positions in the electoral race. If the person is in the second option, he can only choose who will be the next president of the republic. This measure does not apply to Brazilians abroad.

How to apply?

The request to vote in transit is made only in person. To do so, the voter must go to any electoral registry office and indicate in which location he/she intends to vote. The query for cities with voting in transit can be done on the website of the Superior Electoral Court.

It is important to attend the electoral registry office with a photo ID. Voters can request a transit vote for one or both rounds of the 2022 election. For Brazilians abroad, it is necessary to register the voter registration at the Brazilian embassy of the country where the person will be.

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