Companies are forced to suspend the sale of e-cigarettes

The National Consumer Secretariat (SENACON), together with the Ministry of Justice, determined that more than 30 companies were forced to suspend marketing, supply and also distribution in electronic cigarettes. This decision concerns electronic smoking devices, which are well known by those who use them. uses as 'Pendrives', and was published on Thursday, September 1st, in the Official Gazette of the Unity.

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According to what was disclosed, the companies were given an estimated period of 48 hours, from the moment the document with the prohibition was published, to comply with this determination, running the risk of receiving a daily fine in the amount of BRL 5,000 in case of non-compliance, which will be accounted for until the date on which this measure is complied with integral.

The justification used for the measure prohibiting the sale of these products was that there are some indications of violations of consumer rights.

“Selling the products in regular stores, having only the appearance of being a legal product. There are risks to the life and also to the health of consumers due to this commercialization, distribution and supply of electronic devices for smoking, where they were not released by health legislation and which also do not meet the certifications of regulatory bodies to be properly marketed. It is also possible to see a considerable increase in the commercialization and also in the consumption of these products by the young public, even though they are not released”, says the publication on the subject.

It was also highlighted by the regulatory body that there is a lack of transparency and good faith on the part of all companies that participate in this marketing chain, from production to the final sale of cigarettes electronics.

They make it look like a legal product, which consumption is in fact regular. Some Procons, both state and municipal, have taken some measures such as inspections and seizures of electronic cigarettes, however the SENACON said that there is a greater need to take other urgent measures in order to remedy the problem and also safeguard the lives and health of consumers”, stressed the secretary in a note.

It is also interesting to say that Anvisa is not in agreement with the sale of products in the country. On July 6th of this year, Anvisa took the decision to continue prohibiting the sale of cigarettes electronics in Brazil, as well as expanding inspections to put an end to the irregular market for these devices. The sale of electronic cigarettes has not been allowed in our country since 2009.

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