3 Homemade tips to leave your wardrobe always fragrant!

It seems that the wardrobe is a great place to attract mold and small pests, which end up damaging objects and the clothes themselves.

Therefore, in this post we separate 3 homemade tips to make the wardrobe even safer against mold.

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Perfume the wardrobe with fabric softener.

Because it's easy to access, fabric softener is a great option for perfuming your wardrobe and other places too.

Check out how easy it is to make this recipe:

  • 2 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate;
  • 500 ml of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of fabric softener.

Method of preparation:

In a container put the sodium bicarbonate and the fabric softener together, mix everything.

Then, heat the water until it boils and mix it together with the bicarbonate and the softener and wait to cool down, transfer it to a spray container.

Finally, with this mixture ready, apply it to the inside of the empty wardrobe, wipe the surface with a damp cloth and wait for it to dry.

Essencial oils

Essential oils are another way to make your wardrobe smell clean and help reduce mold.

Some oils can be exactly specific for mold elimination, thus being more advantageous.

They also serve to spray on clothes to make the smell more present in the place and still perfume your clothes, put a few drops in the last wash.

For use in the wardrobe, rub a few drops on a piece of paper or put it on a piece of cotton and leave it somewhere in the wardrobe. Yeah, essential oils can be found in natural product stores or even cosmetics stores and have a wide range of scents.

Sodium bicarbonate

One of the effective products against mold and pests that remain in wardrobes is baking soda.

Sodium bicarbonate is a product with several functionalities for different areas, both for cooking and for cleaning and is easy to handle.

Therefore, to use it, mix 3 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate together with 2 drops of essential oil of the aroma you want.

Finally, put it in a small pot and put it in the corner of the wardrobe to perfume it and prevent mold.

With these tips, it will be easier for mold to proliferate and even more to perfume the environment.

So, now that you already know the homemade tips to leave the wardrobe, separate the materials and start leaving your fragrant ones.

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