The danger of superbugs. The main superbugs

A new problem that puts the health of the world population at risk is the emergence of so-called superbugs. These bacteria are highly resistant to antibiotics traditionally used to treat these infections. They have the amazing ability to inactivate these medications.

Superbugs are usually found in a hospital environment, increasing the risk of calls hospital infections. The transmission can occur from one patient to another through the professionals and equipment of the hospital, being essential, therefore, the isolation of these patients and the training of the employees.

Among the bacteria that show the most cases of resistance, the Staphylococcus aureus. THE MRSA is a variant of this bacterium that is resistant to the antibiotic called methicillin. It is considered the most widespread in the world and is usually found in ICUs (Intensive Care Units). This fact represents a serious problem, since patients in these units are very debilitated, making treatment even more difficult.

Some MRSA strains, distinct from hospital strains, were detected outside the hospital environment. This factor is extremely worrying, as contamination by methicillin-resistant bacteria can occur in the community and involve healthy individuals. In addition, some studies revealed that some community strains started to show resistance to other drugs as well.

In April 2014, a study published in The New England Journal of Medicine warned of a new superbug of the type VRSA (Vancomycin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which became known as BR-VRSA (Discover the work by clicking here!). It was identified in a patient who was admitted to Hospital das Clínicas in São Paulo in 2012. The bacterium draws attention because, in addition to being resistant to most antibiotics, it has a genome that is different from those already identified. Its genetic material is inherited from bacteria found outside the hospital environment, which can generate a serious public health problem.

Another well-known superbug is the KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemases), which has an enzyme that makes antibiotics that have the beta-lactam ring, in addition to other types, ineffective. Generally, it is established in patients who have serious illnesses and whose defenses are reduced, being the cause of significant mortality. In 2010, these bacteria were responsible for a serious outbreak in our country.

THE MDR-TB (Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis) is a variable of Mycobacterium tuberculosis quite resistant to antibiotics used to treat tuberculosis. This superbug, like the others described, if not treated early and properly, can be lethal. The World Health Organization has recognized this bacterium as a major public health problem and stated that the emergence of these resistant bacteria is caused by inadequate treatment of tuberculosis.

As they are extremely difficult to treat, the ideal is to prevent this type of infection. In order for the outbreak of superbugs to decrease, it is essential that the commercialization and use of antibiotics are controlled. The sale without a prescription and the inadequate recommendation of these drugs are strong allies in the emergence of these resistant bacteria. In addition to these measures, it is essential to adopt increasingly effective infection control programs within hospitals, through patient isolation and hygiene measures.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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