How many points do you need on the score to have a credit card?

The credit card was created to facilitate purchases and reduce the amount of “cash” money in circulation, it quickly fell in love with Brazilians. It can be used as a means of payment to buy a good or hire a service.

The holder receives a monthly invoice at the address indicated for payment and can choose to pay the total charged, only the minimum or some intermediate amount, postponing the payment of the remainder to the following month by charging a fees. However, with a low Score, is it possible to get a credit card limit?

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Initially, it is necessary to understand what the credit score is. The credit score is a score that ranges from 0 to 1,000 and indicates how likely consumers are to pay their debts, with “0” being no chance of paying and “1,000” being a high chance of pay.

These metrics are used by Serasa to classify the score. It is also important to point out that credit card approval exceptions are rare when the score is low in traditional banks such as Itaú, Santander and Bradesco.

Nowadays, the score not only analyzes restrictions on the CPF, but also how debt negotiations are going. Thus, if the individual is complying with his debts, some companies rely on this understanding to release credits.

Therefore, if the score is at an intermediate level, there will probably be no problems with releasing credit. People with a low score also receive opportunities from companies such as: Willbank, Digio, Click, Credicard Zero, Santander SX, FortBrasil, Mais! and Zippi.

However, when the score is low, to choose the card it is essential to analyze the conditions offered, such as zero annuity, etc. However, there is no specific rule in the score for releasing credit, leaving this option at the discretion of the bank, in most cases. In this way, it will depend a lot on the criteria established by each of them.

Geographer and pseudo writer (or otherwise), I'm 23 years old, from Rio Grande do Sul, lover of the seventh art and everything that involves communication.

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