Learn more about anti-accident furniture for children

Amanda Chatah and her husband, José Neto, started selling furniture that can help prevent childhood accidents. The main idea was related to producing furniture for children, in the Montessori style, helping in the development of the individual's autonomy. “I joined a need of mine to a desire of the market”, said Amanda.

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After living a not very pleasant experience, regarding his daughter, when she fell out of the cradle, José put his engineering knowledge into practice. So, together, the couple designed a little house bed, through a partnership with a small neighboring grocery store.

“After Olivia's bed was ready, we showed the result to our friends, who spread the word and asked us to make it for their children too. We saw the possibility of a new business there and adjusted the opportunity to undertake it with an experience that we both lived together, inside our house”, recall Amanda and José.

So, as a result of this, the couple founded a store, named “Musikinha”, in order to market their product. Without much delay, the piece of furniture became much requested among customers, as it allowed toys to be attached to the resting place. Currently, in addition to beds, layette items and decorative utensils are already being sold at the establishment.

For Amanda, “enterprising in the children's business is a sea of ​​opportunities. There is always something new to bet on.” According to expectations, revenues of approximately BRL 6.7 million are expected in 2022, and the couple is still intends to invest in projects with architects and designers so that more safe and playful furniture reaches the children.

“It is with great pride that we tell you that a large part of our furniture was idealized after listening to testimonials from our customers, parents who reported the needs of their children”, clarifies Amanda.

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