Postpartum mom forgets to pick up daughters from school and feels terrible

the platform reddit it is a totally favorable environment for people to relieve their guilt. The internet itself has become this place of welcome and affection that we receive in many moments. for this mother who is going through puerperium, the virtual platform was a way to vent.

Mother reports difficult postpartum times

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She explained that she was living in an eternal mess and that life was in deep chaos. He reported that he has a three-week-old newborn and is going through a lot of difficulty.

Motherhood is a very delicate moment in the first two months of a child's life, and for those who have other children, the story can be very different.

She reported that she was cleaning the house when she got the call from her husband. He stated on the call that he was leaving work to pick up his oldest daughters from school, a 10-year-old, an 8-year-old and a 6-year-old. The school questioned why the parents did not attend the school.

After the call, both realized what had happened. The three girls were released early from school and their parents forgot to pick them up on time. The girls' father said they could play in the park while he wasn't home, but he hadn't expected to be so late.

The children spent nearly an hour longer at school waiting for their father to arrive. The mother, because of this, stated that she feels absolutely horrible and that she cannot stop crying. This is certainly a very stressful moment for both of them, so much so that they forgot that the girls' departure would be a little earlier.

They received messages of support

On the platform, other parents came forward to comment on this moment. They all know how difficult it is to face this situation and decided to send positive messages. This is a time of exhaustion and overwhelm that parents face and have been comforted by all.

One user recounted his experience saying that “being a parent is tough, and when you have a newborn in the mix, it gets even tougher”.

Another person commented on the fact that the three girls knew how to deal with the moment of difficulty they faced, stating that this was the result of the excellent upbringing they gave the girls.

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