The mystery of the height of the collective bathroom doors has been revealed

Was it a trend that went viral with some event, or is it just a standard established for companies by regulatory standards? Perhaps you never realized that there is a pattern on public restroom doors, but there is. Find out now the exact reason why collective bathrooms in Brazil do not have complete doors.

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Below you can find out why the collective bathrooms do not have the doors to the floor:

Is it uncomfortable?

Many people admit to feeling uncomfortable using public restrooms. This happens because the number of people who frequent this environment is very large, arousing certain insecurities, such as the risk of proliferation of bacteria. That's why it's common for people to choose not to use bathrooms in malls and bus stations, and even when they do, they avoid touching the toilet.

What is the secret?

For shared bathrooms or with individual cabins, commercial establishments adhere to safety standards. Everything has a logic. The height of the door, which leaves the feet exposed, is classified as a mechanism to avoid problems, because if someone gets stuck, they can get out underneath and have a better chance of calling for help. Another advantage of this feature is related to air circulation, which prevents bad smells and facilitates cleaning for employees.

The mystery of the height of the collective bathroom doors has been revealed
photo: shutterstock

What does the regulatory standard say?

The Regulatory Brazilian Standard 9050 (NBR 9050), deals with accessibility of buildings and establishes the parameters technical of the buildings. With regard to public toilets with partitions, they regulate that their opening is in compliance. For this, they need to have a space, aiming to emphasize the above factors, as well as guarantee the privacy of users, avoiding embarrassment, since the gap allows to see if the space is busy.

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