Understand the risks of eating the white part of bread that is moldy

Nothing is more inconvenient than opening a bag of bread and finding it stale and moldy, especially when you're starving. Mold is a collection of fungi, and the vast majority of them are harmless, but not all. Because it involves virtually invisible organisms, many people believe that only removing the visible portion of mold from bread makes it safe to eat. But to what extent is this true?

Check out in this article the risks of eating the white part of moldy bread.

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Dangers of eating moldy bread

Visible mold is only a small part of the overall bread mold. When this fungus begins to form, it creates small “tentacles” that extend several centimeters beyond the visible area. These “tentacles” are used by the mold to feed itself, much like the roots of a tree, which means they continue to grow over time.

Knowing this, it is not recommended to eat any part of the food, since it is impossible to determine the depth of mold by eye.

What are the risks?

Because mold is a harmless living organism, eating moldy bread is unlikely to cause serious health problems. However, nothing prevents some discomfort from occurring when food is consumed.

Also, if you have a more sensitive organism or suffer from food allergies, you are at risk of getting sick. In this sense, when viewing some mold in the bag of bread, it is recommended that you throw the contaminated bread away to avoid health complications.

How to prevent mold on bread?

To make bread last longer and free of mold, it is important to separate the bread package so that all air is removed from its interior. In addition, maintaining constant low temperatures can be critical to ensuring the integrity of the item. Therefore, it is recommended that the bag of bread be stored in areas with temperatures below 20°C.

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