Lula's dissatisfaction raises theory: 'Bolsa Familia' should return in 2023

Last Sunday, the 30th, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected president of Brazil with 50.90% of the votes. From this information, many doubts begin to arise about the future of the country and its administration. One of these questions is about what will happen to the program Brazil Aid, which was established during the government of the current president, Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in 2021. The project was created to replace Bolsa Família, created by Lula in 2003.

Read more: Auxílio Brasil: check the list of banks that provide loans to beneficiaries

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Through a note, the next president of the country was dissatisfied with the cancellation of Bolsa Família for the arrival of something similar. Lula then stated that the program will return at the beginning of his government, but with some new features. He cited, for example, an increase in the number of families assisted by the project and also a change in the amount given to beneficiaries.

Program redesign and changes

For 18 years, Bolsa Família has helped millions of low-income families or those in extreme poverty. However, it is undeniable that, due to the increase in inflation and some other factors, the program began to lose strength in this dispute. The value of the aid reached, on average, only R$ 180 per month.

After the creation of Auxílio Brasil, the new benefit began to be distributed at a much higher value. Despite this. Some changes in this amount during the current government have been seen. The aid is now R$ 400, although R$ 600 still reaches family groups until December of this year.

In 2023, Bolsa Família will be back

During his election campaign, the president-elect went so far as to say that he would continue distributing aid worth R$600 per month to low-income families across the country. After being elected, Lula stated that he wants to improve the program's assistance in the health and education sectors.

"OhandbagFamily é oneprogram what noéjustonedistribution Of money.Shehas conditions. the woman has whatto placeyouchildren at school, vaccinate and if she are pregnant, it needs to do O prenatal care,” she said.

With the return scheduled for the beginning of next year, Lula says that in addition to the R$ 600, a kind of bonus in the amount of R$ 150 will also be offered for each child aged up to 6 years. Despite the good news, this bonus will be distributed while the financial and job markets are warming up.

After this heating, it is estimated that more jobs will be generated for more citizens. This includes, of course, members of assisted families. They need to be able to sustain themselves without depending on the aid.

That é onedream of any public policy from the government.To generate jobs, wage, more jobs and no more income distribution program, ifallworldyou areworking”, concluded the president-elect.

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