Learn how to make a breakfast sandwich tastier and more nutritious

Some claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it will be responsible for providing the energy needed to start the day off right. Anyway, she is fundamental for a balanced diet. Thinking about it, we'll give you tips that will make your breakfast sandwich tasty and nutritious.

Read more: See what to eat for breakfast to lose your belly once and for all

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Orange is not the food with the most vitamin C

Is it better to eat boiled eggs for lunch or dinner? Find out here

Choose the right bread for lunch

Talking about sandwich is not just discussing the best fillings but also pointing out the breads that involve them. In that case, it is common for people to use traditional French bread or white pasta to compose this delight. They are undoubtedly very tasty! We must not discard them.

However, whole grain breads are the richest in fiber, so this will provide a greater feeling of lightness for the body, in addition to reducing gases and swelling. If the taste doesn't appeal to you, use seasoned butter that can be made at home to add flavor. For example, try butters with parsley or garlic seasoning.

Sandwich filling options

With so many possibilities for stuffing sandwiches, it's hard to choose just a few, right? However, if your goal is to focus on health, it's worth avoiding sausages and fried foods, such as bacon and ham. Instead, you can add some options that are delicious and healthy.

White cheese

Cheese is a great source of protein and good fat. Plus, they bring more flavor to the sandwich! However, it is important to pay attention to the type of cheese, if you are looking for a more fit option. The guideline is: the whiter the cheese, the better. An excellent option is Minas cheese, which is very Brazilian.

If you prefer, you can add guava paste, as this is a classic combination.

fruit jellies

In case you like sweets more, then it will be impossible to escape the different options of fruit jellies, such as strawberry or grape. The problem is that industrialized jellies can contain an excess of sugar and preservatives. Thus, the most interesting idea in this story is to make your own homemade jam.


Oh, we can't forget that protein for breakfast is indispensable, right? In that sense, pates can help you. The best options are tuna and turkey breast, as both are healthy meats.

Just like jelly, the industrialized type will be full of preservatives, in addition to containing a lot of sodium. And now? Well, you can always make your own version at home to enjoy!

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