Here's How to Use Vinegar as a Super Effective Cleanser

Vinegar is a multipurpose product and can be used in many different tasks. Far beyond seasoning salads, it also serves medicinal purposes and even removes dirt from your clothes. Because of this, be it the apple or white version, every homeowner should have this fermented solution at home. So, in this article, you will learn how to use vinegar as a cleaning item.

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How to use vinegar to clean surfaces?

Alcoholic vinegar is an excellent product for cleaning the most different surfaces, from the kitchen table to the living room floor. That's because it's a natural item, which makes it an excellent option for those who want to avoid more toxic chemicals. In this way, it can be used without concern in environments with small children and domestic animals.

First of all, it is important to avoid waxed wood surfaces and metals, as they can be damaged. In the case of glass, floors and tiles, just make a mixture, which will only require the vinegar itself and a little water. To clean tiles, just mix equal portions of the two liquids in a container until the mixture is very homogeneous. Then, with the help of a cloth, just apply it to the surface with delicacy.

Vinegar to remove dirt from clothes

White vinegar is excellent for removing stains from some not-so-delicate items of clothing, especially white ones. To do this, just leave them in a bucket or basin with water, disinfectant and a little vinegar. If you prefer, you can gently rub a little bit of the product over the stained area.

An excellent ally to combat bad odors

For different reasons, some people avoid using room fresheners or even scented disinfectants to remove a strong odor. In this case, vinegar appears as an excellent ally in household chores, as it is excellent for removing bad odors in a natural way, without very strong chemical components.

So, whether you want to remove your pet's urine odor, clean your kitchen oven or microwave, you can invest in this fermented product. With vinegar and a little water, you will have a much cleaner and more hygienic environment.

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