Control of sugar intake: See what age we should avoid

Preventing diabetes is an action that requires changes in daily habits. Although such a disease may have, in most cases, a genetic origin, it is estimated that 90% of diabetes diagnoses could have been avoided if the patient had adopted a lifestyle healthier. Therefore, check from which age is recommended the sugar intake control to prevent the development of diabetes. follow the reading

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How does diabetes work?

Diabetes develops when the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin (type 1) or when the body cannot use it properly (type 2). Since the function of insulin is to remove sugar from the blood, the disease causes glucose levels to exceed the recommended level.

As a result, high blood glucose levels cause several health problems, such as kidney disease, vision problems and the body's difficulty in healing wounds that, without treatment, can lead to amputation. As diabetes is an incurable disease, the best alternative is to prevent the development of the disease.

At what age is it recommended to control sugar intake?

In an interview with a renowned health and wellness magazine, obesity specialist Janine Darby explained that, although the recommendation is to monitoring for diabetes starting at age 35, “it is even more important for people between 40 and 50 years old, as the risk of type 2 diabetes increases after the 45″.

However, this guidance only applies to those people who do not have a family history marked by the disease or who have not gone through previous or recent episodes of suspicion. Otherwise, the frequency of testing will depend on consultation with a specialist doctor.

Therefore, it is important that the patient maintain a balanced diet and practice physical exercises actively and frequently. As much as clichéd recommendations may seem, such actions are extremely effective in combating the development of diabetes.

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