Jatobá is rich in iron and contributes to the control of the glycemic index

A not very popular tree, called jatobá, is common in the American tropics and found in some places in the world, even here in Brazil. Therefore, it is commonly found in the Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal. In addition, there are many benefits in everything it offers, especially in the fruit and the peel.

Read more: Meet the plants and trees that bear fruit all year round

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About the bark and fruit of jatobá

Jatobá fruit and bark are excellent options to include in your daily life because they are rich in nutrients. Therefore, we have a fruit full of vitamins and minerals and a shell filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that strengthen immunity.

In addition, both can be used in different forms of consumption, such as teas made from the bark, in addition to flour, juices and sweets made from its pulp.

8 benefits of jatobá for health

  • diuretic action

It will make you increase the intensity of times you urinate, contributing to the elimination of toxins, and thus, avoiding the accumulation of fluids in the body.

  • Analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

Jatobá bark, specifically, contributes by providing analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances, thus strengthening our immune system.

  • Rich in iron, calcium, potassium and other minerals

Its fruit has a good amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium and mineral salts, which are important in the formation of muscles and bones and contribute to the maintenance of the immune, nervous and cardiovascular.

  • antifungal properties

Direct application of fruit pulp to the skin helps to cope with fungal infections. In addition, consumption in juice form contributes to urinary tract infections such as bladder or yeast infections.

  • Vitamins A and C

By containing such vitamins, it helps maintain the health of the skin, eyes, hair and good immunity, as well as preventing premature aging.

  • Contributes to the control of the glycemic index

Jatobá fruit is very good for the health of diabetics and anemics by regulating blood glucose levels and being rich in iron and magnesium.

  • Energy and appetite up there!

Being an excellent source of carbohydrates, it increases energy and appetite.

  • Breathing problems

Jatoba bark tea has expectorant, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action, so it helps treat respiratory issues, reducing cough and sore throat.

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