Learn how to disable the “online” function on Instagram

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Although Instagram is an open social network for other people, it is possible to control how much the other can have access to some of your information. In this sense, it is currently possible to regulate some features such as the option to show when you are using the application or not. Learn how to disable instagram online quickly and simply.

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Understand more about the function to disable Instagram “online” status

Before thinking about changing this application status, you need to know what will happen to make the best choice for you. In this way, one of the main effects of disabling this feature is that you will also no longer be able to see when another user is online on Instagram.

Therefore, when changing this setting, something similar to what is seen in WhatsApp will occur when removing the “last seen” option. Therefore, in the same way that others cannot see you when you are using the application, you cannot see the other person either.

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How to disable Instagram's "online" feature on mobile?

For those who decided to keep the option of not letting other users see the last time you were in the application, it is possible to change this feature on your cell phone. Using an iOS system smartphone, you will need to log into Instagram and go to your profile.

After that, click on the three little lines in the upper right corner and go to “settings”. So, the next step is to go to “privacy” and click on “activity status”.

Thus, two options will be shown, the first is “show activity status”, that is, allow or disable the possibility for other users to see when you are online. The second option “show when you are online at the same time”, allows the people you follow or are in a chat to see when you are working in the application.

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