Why should some people not consume rosemary tea?

Rosemary is a very tasty and useful seasoning in various preparations, but there are also those who use this plant to make tea for its benefits. Rosemary tea is great for eliminating pain, swelling and cramps, is good for digestion, helps with circulation and even hair growth, in addition to being a potent diuretic. Despite its benefits, rosemary may be contraindicated for some people with chronic illnesses.

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Therefore, it is always good to consult your doctor about contraindications if you use continuous-use medications. Check out in which cases it is necessary to avoid the consumption of rosemary tea.

Side effects

Excessive use of this herb can bring side effects even in those who do not have chronic diseases and make use of continuous medicine. Because of its diuretic effect, rosemary can cause dehydration and even vomiting and nausea.

In addition, problems such as kidney inflammation, skin redness, bleeding in the uterus and increased sensitivity to the sun are also part of the list of side effects of this tea. Thus, it is not recommended to use rosemary continuously for more than three months, nor to consume more than three cups a day.


This tea is contraindicated for those who have hypertension, as it can interact with the medications used in the treatment. This is because such remedies are diuretics, which help eliminate water and salt from the body, lowering blood pressure. Rosemary is also a diuretic, which in itself is a positive point, but together with this medication it can enhance this effect, resulting in dehydration.

In addition, rosemary tea can cause epilepsy seizures, because of its essential oil, which is also present in the drink.

For these reasons, rosemary tea is also contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and for children under 5 years old.

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