Meaning of Monograph (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Monography is dissertation or thesis that is intended to study a specific subject, usually presented as an undergraduate and graduate course conclusion work.

Etymologically, the word "monograph" comes from the Greek monos, which means "unique", and graphein, which means "writing". That is, "monograph" literally means "single writing", but it is understood academically as a type of written work that is related to the uniqueness of a problem; a single context about a certain area of ​​knowledge.

The main objective of the monograph is to gather information, analyzes and scientific interpretations that add relevant and original value to science, within a given field, subject, approach or problematic.

A monograph can be divided or classified into two parts: broad and strict. The strict meaning of the monograph refers to a thesis itself, that is, a scientific work aimed at the contribution and growth of the study of a particular area of ​​research or science. The meaning of lato refers to the production of first-hand scientific material, but it does not necessarily need to be characterized as a thesis. It also involves master's dissertations, scientific reports,

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college papers or even graduation monographs.

Learn more about the meaning of master's degree and dissertation.

For the production of a monograph, some rules and steps are necessary, such as the construction of a pre-project and a project, the delimitation of a theme specific of an area, the choice of a problem, objectives, objects of study and methodologies, which can be qualitative, quantitative, among others.

After an exhaustive research on the topic to be analyzed in the monograph, it needs to be written in accordance with the norms of the ABNT - Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, taking into account the particularities of each higher education institution to which the monograph is being presented.


The monographs are part of the so-called in Brazil TCC, acronym for Course Completion Work, a mandatory academic work and instrument for the final assessment of a higher course.

The TCC is mainly elaborated in the form of a dissertation, in the form of a monograph, aiming at the initiation and involvement of the undergraduate student in the field of scientific research.

Learn more about Definition of TCC, how to write the methodology for the TCC and what is scientific article.

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