Find out how much a Hering franchise costs

According to specialized studies, the fashion sector in Brazil earns billions of reais every year. And it is for this reason that clothing and accessories franchises are so successful, not only among consumers, but also among investors.

So keep reading and find out how much does a Hering franchise cost, one of the biggest franchises in Brazil.

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The history of the clothing chain in Brazil

The Hering brand was created more than 100 years ago, having been idealized by two German brothers who preferred to undertake in the Brazilian fashion market. Therefore, they started with a small factory in the city of Blumenau, in Santa Catarina. However, the brand only had its official launch in 1980.

Read more: KFC chain: Find out how much it costs to be part of the franchise

After a few years, the company gained recognition within the national industry, gaining evidence for its performance in the market. Soon after, in 1993, the brand launched itself as a store and started its retail operations. Furthermore, the process of selling franchises also began in 1993, a year after joining the Associação Brasileira de Franchising.

Currently, the Hering Store franchise has 660 open units, 20 of which are active in other countries. During this period of operations, the chain of stores won 15 seals of excellence in franchising, given by the ABF, in the years 2003 and 2004, 2008 to 2020.

How much does a Hering clothing franchise cost?

The Hering Store offers three business models in its franchise. These models have an initial investment of R$ 120,000.

Check below the values ​​of each business model offered by the franchise:

light franchise

  • Initial investment: BRL 120,000.00;
  • Facilities: BRL 1,500.00 per m² (50m² required);
  • Franchise Fee: BRL 30,000.00;
  • Equipment and Management Systems: BRL 14,700.00;
  • Inauguration Marketing: BRL 10,000.00;
  • Royalties: 3% of the value of monthly purchases;
  • Advertising fee: BRL 500 (monthly fixed);
  • Payback: 36 months.

Basic Shop Hering

  • Total initial investment: BRL 240,000.00;
  • Facilities: BRL 5,000.00 per m² (50m² required);
  • Franchise Fee: BRL 40,000.00;
  • Equipment and Management Systems: BRL 20,000.00;
  • Inauguration Marketing: BRL 10,000.00;
  • Royalties: 3% of the value of monthly purchases;
  • Advertising fee: BRL 500.00 (monthly fixed);
  • Required working capital: BRL 120,000.00.

Hering Store

  • Total initial investment: BRL 430 thousand;
  • Facilities: BRL 4,400 per m² (80m² required);
  • Franchise Fee: BRL 50,000.00;
  • Equipment and Management Systems: BRL 20,000.00;
  • Inauguration Marketing: BRL 10,000.00;
  • Royalties: 3% of the value of monthly purchases;
  • Advertising fee: 1.5% of the value of monthly purchases;
  • Required working capital: BRL 300,000.00.

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