Growing oregano at home can be very practical; learn how to plant

Oregano is a perennial herb with a characteristic aroma, widely used in Western and Mediterranean cuisine as a condiment or as a remedy for menstrual cramps, in the form of tea. Brazilians often use oregano to enhance the flavor of pizza, too. Due to its versatility, we separate here some tips for the cultivation of oregano at home or apartment. Find out more below.

Read more: Oregano tea: Know 4 benefits and learn how to prepare!

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Oregano without having to go to the supermarket

Imagine the following scenario: You have some stale bread at home, some tomatoes and you decided to make a tomato bruschetta. Perfect. But then he realized he ran out of oregano! What to do? Well, you have two options: Go to the supermarket or go to the small garden that you will be able to have after reading this publication. The second option seems more comfortable, right? So read more below on how to grow this important herb.

Instructions for growing oregano in a PET bottle

You will need to separate the necessary materials. They are: tera, sand, oregano seedlings, humus and the PET bottle. Once this is done, follow the instructions below and start the process.

  • Separate equal portions of soil, sand and humus. The amount should be enough to cover the entire bottle;
  • Once the portions are defined, mix all the above products;
  • You will need to cut the PET bottle. To do this, place it horizontally and make a rectangle in the body of the bottle, with small holes at the bottom (so that the water drains);
  • Then, remove the plastic from this rectangle and insert the oregano seedling inside the bottle, through the rectangle. The seedling must remain upright, while the bottle must remain horizontal;
  • Be very careful when removing the earth from the seedling so as not to break the root of the plant. Once this is done, add the soil that you have prepared, carefully, until it covers the seedling;
  • Water the plant.

Planting information 

The ideal conditions for the development of this spice involve mild temperatures and light – more specifically 4 hours of daily exposure to the sun. The more exposed to the sun, the more aromatic the leaves will be. However, do not be sad if you live in a place with lower temperatures, as the herb adapts to extreme temperatures, between 4º C to 32º C.

Be careful only with excess water: Oregano should only be watered if the soil is dry. High water content can harm the development of the plant. It is also worth analyzing the pH of the soil, which should vary between 6 and 8.

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