How to choose between Syrian and Russian Dwarf Hamster?

Check out in our article how to make the right choice when it comes to a new pet! Hamsters are amazing and intelligent rodents and can be a great friend. Many parents are looking for a new pet to include in their child's growth, to bring some responsibility.

Although a hamster is a good option for a first pet, it is not recommended for a child.

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Continue in the article and see more about how to choose between syrian hamster and russian dwarf.

syrian hamster

The Sirio hamster is one of the most common and sought after rodents because it is considerably “easy”, weighing around 120g in adulthood and measuring 15 cm.

The Sirio can present a diversity in its coat and coloration, having short, long, smooth or wavy hair.

Its life expectancy is around 2 to 4 years, so take into account giving the rodent a good life experience.

Despite being a small rodent, make no mistake about the size of its cage. The hamster needs to move because it is an active animal.

The environment that the hamster has this should be at least 24 inches long and 12 inches wide. A good space prevents your hamster from experiencing stress.

It is worth mentioning that hamsters are totally territorial animals and do not get along with other rodents, especially of the same species. Hamster has to live alone.

Russian dwarf hamster

This hamster can already be deduced from its name, the Russian dwarf can measure about 10 cm or even less, and weighs 50 grams at the most.

The Russian Dwarf already has a tendency to be a little more violent, so it's important to leave him in a spacious environment to lower his stress rate.
Its life expectancy is slightly lower compared to Sirio, reaching up to 2 years of life.

Hamsters have the same needs, their differences then more in size and weight. The choice for the pet is a matter of taste.

So, now that you know how to choose between Syrian Hamster and Russian Dwarf, how about forwarding this article to that friend of yours who is in the same doubt.

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