Was a leprechaun found in Mexico? That's what the president of the country says

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Mexico is on the rise in the media due to an unusual statement by the country's president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. In it, the president talks about a leprechaun found in mexico. The news generated controversy and was widely publicized by social networks and the press. Follow now more information about the case.

Leprechaun in Mexico? President's statement was not well received

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Leprechaun found in Mexico.
photo: twitter

After publishing a photo on his social networks, in which he claims to have found an elf in the works of the Maya train, the Mexican president suffered a wave of criticism. The publication generated controversy and went viral in the social media, leading many people to question the veracity and even the sanity of the politician.

What does Andrés Manuel say?

In response to the criticism, the president claimed to be a "mystic" and that he believes in the existence of magical and supernatural beings. He also added that the image of the duende is real and that he published it to share with people the beauty and richness of Mexican popular culture.

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Was the president's statement a smokescreen?

It is not new that Mexico is experiencing a delicate situation in its internal politics. Recently, a reform responsible for reducing the budget of an institution that organizes the country's elections was approved. With that, the opposition was soon ready to classify the president's statement as a way to distract the people.

veracity of information

Surprisingly – or not – the information released by the president should not be taken seriously. This is because the image released by him has been circulating on the networks since 2021 and features some visual effects that suggest that it is really a mystical creature.

The belief in leprechauns in Mexico

In Mexico, the belief in leprechauns is quite common, and many people believe that these beings can bring good luck and protection. According to Mexican tradition, the leprechauns they are small and cunning beings, who can help or hinder people. Their behavior will vary according to the treatment they receive.


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