160 thousand PIX keys were leaked on the internet; Find out if yours is on the list!

At the end of January, the Central Bank (BC) reported the incident involving the leak of 160.6 thousand PIX keys, which belong to 159,600 individuals linked to Acesso Soluções de Pagamento, a company of the Méliuz group. However, after two weeks of the incident, new information came to light indicating that the situation is more serious than we imagined, reaching, in total, customers of over 300 institutions.

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After the leak, the BC had not informed about the 300 institutions affected, only about 160,000 Access Solutions customer keys. In addition, at the time, the Central Bank disclosed that such information was linked to the keys. This data included username, CPF, institution, agency and account number.

However, after investigating the facts, the agency can confirm that there was a failure, which also affected customers of approximately 300 institutions that use the PIX. Among them are traditional banks such as Bradesco, Itaú, Santander, Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal.

Impact of the data leak of around 160,000 customers

Users affected by the leak of PIX keys from Acesso Soluções de Pagamento had the following data disclosed by the system failure:

  • Username;
  • CPF;
  • Relationship institution;
  • Branch and account number.

Furthermore, such information is essential for registering the PIX, and the Central Bank guaranteed that the instant payment system does not allow third parties to have access to user accounts harmed. However, this leaked data can be used in virtual scams, such as phishing, giving credibility to fraudulent messages via messaging app or calls.

Access Soluções de Pagamento, the company responsible for the leak and belonging to Méliuz, continues with the same January 21 position on the system failure, which affected more institutions than reported initially. In addition, the startup does not mention the other companies affected by the incident.

BC reported that people who had their data leaked will be notified by the app or through internet banking. Remembering that the Central Bank does not send SMS, so just pay attention to official application notices.

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