Find out what are the 6 rules that can cause your INSS to be suspended

Around 36 million retirees and pensioners are covered by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). Of this amount, almost 24 million people receive pension monthly salary equal to the minimum wage, which today is R$ 1,212. The others have access to amounts that can go up to the benefit limit, which is currently R$ 7,087.22.

But what many don't know is that they can have the INSS suspended and the payment stopped. Therefore, check out this article for more details on what actions may result in the suspension of the INSS.

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See in which cases citizens may lose the right to INSS

Currently, several factors contribute to the interruption of payments by the municipality. Therefore, it is common for many people to have their INSS benefit suspended in 2022. Data from the institution's official records show that 5.2 million payments were interrupted in 2021. Therefore, the advice is to be aware of the main reasons for blocking and canceling payments.

What can lead to suspension?

INSS beneficiaries must be aware of the following factors to avoid suspension of the benefit:

  • Updating of Single Registry information in the case of Continuous Provision Benefit (BPC);
  • Do not claim the benefit within 60 days;
  • Not participating in a vocational rehabilitation program;
  • Not participating in the scheduled medical examination (and not presenting justification);
  • Maintain high levels of risky or unhealthy activity (in case of exceptional retirement);
  • Commit fraud.

What to do if the INSS is suspended?

People who have had their INSS benefits suspended should not lose hope. This is because, in most cases, it allows the situation to be changed. A suggestion is to contact one of the service channels of the municipality. One of them is through the number 135.

However, there are other digital means to get out of this problem, in this case the Meu INSS website or app. Remembering that the suspension is a temporary measure, unlike when the INSS benefit is cancelled.

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