Goji berry: What is it and its main benefits!

While many people are going after more information about the goji berry and each time buying more of this fruit, others never heard about it. This happens because it is a fruit that became known very recently, and those who already know it are part of the group that invests in healthy eating. However, if you don't know about this fruit, keep reading this article and check out its numerous benefits.

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What is it?

The goji berry, also called goji berry, is a fruit of a native plant called Lycium chinense and Lycium barbarum, in Asia. Which, its demand began to increase after people became aware of its various qualities, including its benefits in the weight loss process.

What are the main benefits?

Among the many nutritional properties that the goji berry has, what ends up drawing the most attention is the large amount of vitamin C, which is much greater than the amount in the orange. This aspect brings benefits such as the production of collagen, strengthening of the immune system, improvement in iron absorption and tissue formation, such as bones, muscles, blood vessels, among others others.

In addition, the goji berry also has a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, it also helps to reduce cellulite, balances cholesterol levels and contributes to the prevention of diabetes. The latter occurs because the fruit regulates blood sugar and protects the heart and brain. Finally, goji berry also helps to avoid vision problems and provide photoprotection, thus protecting vision.

How to consume?

To get all these benefits, you need to consume two tablespoons of dried goji berry a day, or 120ml of juice. Super important tips are: Consume them first thing in the morning, as this will help with the proportion of energy and consume plenty of liquid. In addition, they can be consumed as a snack or be incorporated into what you are going to drink or eat.

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