Corporate PIX taxation: Check which banks are more accountable

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Launched on the market in 2020, PIX was designed to be an instant payment method with no bank transfer charges. However, in 2021, financial institutions had already started taxing such transfers carried out by legal entities (PJ's), each of which may reach R$ 150, depending on the value and modality. This charge raises concerns about the possibility of this amount being passed on to customers and consumers. Keep reading and find out which bank has the lowest rates for the PIX business.

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What does the union say?

According to the president of the Retail Trade Union in the State of Goiás (Sindilojas-GO), Eduardo Gomes, for even though these fees are high, the charge for business is negligible, due to the methodology applied by banks.

“Banks charge between 0.99% and 1.5%, with a maximum value of R$150, depending on the bank. To reach this cost, the value would have to be very high, the expense is proportionally negligible”, he explains.

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In this sense, customers and consumers would not be penalized when making purchases, since this type of cost is foreseen in the companies' budgets.

In addition, the president of Sindilojas also signaled that the businessman can also try to dialogue with the bank to reduce the value of transaction fees. “He can negotiate a certain PIX package per month, at a reduced cost. And depending on the institution, it will not even charge him,” he added.

Banks' fees

Each financial institution has its own taxation methodology on PIX transactions made by companies, and many are expanding the practice.

In this sense, in Santander, for example, the withdrawal of money by companies via Pix Saque or Pix Troco costs R$ 2.50 for each operation. Following the same direction, Banco do Brasil should charge R$ 2.90 for each withdrawal, as of February 9th.

Among traditional banks, only Caixa Econômica Federal does not set fees for this public. Digital banks such as Nubank, Inter and C6 also do not charge CNPJs.

However, the transfer fees charged by Mercado Pago indicate that exempting transactions is not a general practice in the field of digital banking services.

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